How Cocoon works?
You can reach your goals when you take the right steps. To see such steps, you need to change your perception. The components of perception are including beliefs, biases, blind spots, shortcomings, weaknesses and also strengths.
If you change any of those components, your perception changes, and you see new potential steps to take.
You cannot change those perception components by getting new information from articles, videos, or advisors. Instead, you need to
Acquire personal knowledge of your perception and its components;
Devise a plan on how to change the necessary components;
Work on changing the required components.
We can compare it to body health. If you have long-term back pain, reading an article about it will not solve it. Also, asking for advice will not solve it. Instead, you need to
Do the spine MRI;
Let the doctor see it and design you a custom training plan;
Then do the daily spine exercises selected or even designed specifically for you.
Cocoon provides you with support in all those areas.
How the program is designed

I joined Cocoon program because I saw that my company and I need a change to get better results. Since then, I have brought many learnings from Cocoon back to my company - we make sure that everybody in our team has the right job and that team members trust each other. I have met brilliant people through this program and gained a lot of food for thought for many months to come. Thanks Cocoon!
Indrek Jaal, CEO of GlobalReader

Our uniqueness
Cocoon is unique because we combine business and personal development in multiple formats: personal mentoring, shadow mentoring, mentoring in groups, trainings, assessments, masterclasses, and peer-to-peer mentoring.
Compared to startup accelerators and incubators
Several of our participants are alumni of business accelerators and incubators - after they have acquired the initial business knowledge in accelerator programs, Cocoon is serving as the next step for working on yourself to become a great leader and make your team work well;
Accelerators focus on the business. Cocoon sees your personal development as the main driver for business growth;
Accelerators usually take place in 3-4 months batches. Cocoon is a year-long program with an intense mentoring and trainings program.
Compared to individual coaches and mentors
Cocoon program combines individual mentoring with work in groups together with other founders and mentors during our quarterly trainings and masterclasses;
The individual mentoring is additionally powered by regular know-how exchange between the mentors and Cocoon, and by shadow mentoring (to avoid blind spots and multiply the effect);
One person vs. A-Team;
We carefully interview and select our mentors;
Several of our participants have individual startup mentors as well, who focus on particular business questions, e.g., strategy, sales, or product.
Compared to advisory board members
We focus on the founder's personality and how it impacts business, while advisors focus on the business aspects;
Cocoon program is structured and organized;
We combine individual mentoring with work in groups.
Compared to psychotherapy
Our mentors are experienced in business and mentoring, and we focus on both - your self-discovery and your business development;
Some of our members parallelly work with a psychotherapist as well and have expressed that this parallel work helps them progress in both areas.
Compared to individual learning or individual discussions with other founders
Various online resources give you general information while mentoring gives you new knowledge about yourself and individual solutions for you, based on your particular challenges;
Similarly, as you can't see your eyes, you can't see certain things about your personality and perception by yourself;
Founders' psychology mentoring is a specific discipline, not an unstructured conversation. It's similar to comparing fixing your teeth with your friends vs. a dentist.