Diana Stankevica
Each personality is unique and we all are given our own ‘toolbox’ – set of personality features and traits to operate with. Everyone is talented and excellent at something – it’s just about finding the right place to be. The first step to start in changing anything about yourself, would be getting to know the real you – with all the strengths and weaknesses, comfort zones and situations you hate dealing with. Realizing what we really are, allows to get to the very important (and often no that pleasing) point of self-acceptance, making us to take away certain illusions and assumptions about our personality.
By truly accepting ourselves we gain an opportunity to transform – to make our strengths even stronger and to work on the features we want to change – by turning disadvantages into advantages. Self-awareness and acceptance gives a new perspective to the same old situations of our life, helps understanding what we truly want to do and what needs to be accomplished to get there. Unlikely we can become someone we are not, but we can find out who we really are and see what we need to improve in.
Wise people say all the answers are found within ourselves – might be sometimes it’s just easier to see them when we discuss matters with someone from the ‘outside’. And mentorship would be that secure space – where we can be open and honest about things, where we want to exchange personal views and experiences and be challenged but not judged, encouraged but not instructed. Mentorship as a continuous process of self-development can be successful if the relations are built on mutual trust and engagement and there is a commitment and true interest from both sides. And it may become a life transforming experience if you let it.
What do you do today?
I am a talent optimization expert, and for the past few years, I have been a partner of the Predictive Index (PI) in Baltics – a global provider of scientifically validated talent management solutions for businesses. In a few words – I help companies to hire top talent, build winning teams, and inspire them by using people data analytics. I have worked with the PI assessments for the past 20 years, and I am confident in the value they bring to the business.
Human resources (HR) are considered to be the most valuable asset of the company and there are many discussions about the importance of the right talent management strategy. However in reality there are not that many companies that use people data analytics and align their talent strategy with their business strategy. From what I see in real life, even big companies still rely on the ‘gut-feeling’ in managing their talent, making decisions mostly by guessing rather than using a data-driven approach.
People are complex. It is difficult to understand and predict them. That is why measuring people's data is as important as any other business data - using scientifically validated tools in people analytics saves a lot of time, objectifies talent decision processes in the company, and helps to build the right talent strategy to maximize the business results. From my personal experience in cooperating with different companies, I can clearly see that those who see the value investing in optimization of their HR processes have a significant advantage in being successful.
How did you get there?
I have an HR background and have been in this field all my professional life. I used to work as HR Manager in several international companies where I was covering all the aspects of HRM, but I was always most interested in understanding the true motivations behind people's behavior and identifying job positions where they could apply their natural skills best.
So, what I currently do, grew out of my experience as an HR practitioner. At some point, I understood that I am most interested in the strategic HRM and leadership development and want to work with people data analytics. When the chance came to become a part of the global Predictive Index partner network, I was happy to move from the PI practitioner role to start consulting companies in how to apply people data analytics to their talent strategy.
Why do you do what you do today?
Because I can see the purpose and the result, and I see how using high-quality people data improves the quality of talent decisions.
For companies in any size or industry, it is crucial to have a people strategy that supports their business strategy. It all starts by understanding the business needs and then building the right talent strategy around it. When the strategy is defined, it is much easier to find the right people, build successful teams, develop self-aware leadership, and achieve the company’s business goals.
I believe that everyone is naturally talented at something, it is just about finding the right place to succeed. There are no big or small jobs, no right or wrong people. It is mostly about fit. During my 20 years of experience in HR, I have seen people breaking themselves in the job roles that are not suitable for them, and it is usually just a matter of time until it materializes in the shape of dissatisfaction, exhaustion, or even some physical illness. We can change and adapt our behavior to whatever the expectations of the current environment are, but it is very difficult to change our basic motivation needs and drives, and the more we go against our natural self, the more energy we use in the process.
As I am quite results-oriented, also in the mentoring process, I am mainly interested in getting to the goal rather than just enjoying the process. I believe that most of us already have all the answers ourselves, we just do not always realize it and might need some external help. And I think I am pretty good at asking questions to add some new perspectives to the existing situation. Whatever is the specific challenge, I would always encourage you to be honest with yourself first, and before trying to change anything, accept who you are.
From my experience - whatever is the 'official title' of the question, in most cases it turns out to be about relations - and first of all with yourself. I could say that my main 'expertise' is to help get a bit more self-awareness and self-acceptance and that can work magic in changing the perception of the world and people around you for better, both personally and professionally.
I am good at discovering other people's talents and seeing people succeed in their jobs truly inspires me.
Where are you going or what is your vision?
My vision is a more data-driven approach to talent management where business leaders will see the importance of aligning talent and business strategies from the very beginning of the company.
Where self-awareness will be high both in the company and individual level and there will be less space for various stereotypes and expectations on the same "must-have" skills for everybody. Where the diversity of individual talents and strengths will be highly appreciated and encouraged. No big or small jobs, just more or less suitable.