Heikki Mägi
Fitlap co-founder, CEO (at the time of mentoring)
Fitlap sündis 2015 a jaanuaris. Fitlap on toitumisnõustamise teenus, mis aitab tervislikult kaalu langetada - Fitlap pakub inimestele kliendi andmetega kohanevat virtuaalset toitumiskava veebilehel https://fitlap.ee. Eestis on liitunud Fitlap toitumiskavaga üle 200 000 inimese.
Feedback about Cocoon and our mentors
A brilliant mind. He is able to draw conclusions and make suggestions that can put everything into a new, but “ this makes sense” perspective. And you keep asking yourself: "Why didn't I see that? It has been under my nose all the time." A guy with a sixth sense.
A brilliant mind. He is able to draw conclusions and make suggestions that can put everything into a new, but “ this makes sense” perspective. And you keep asking yourself: "Why didn't I see that? It has been under my nose all the time." A guy with a sixth sense.